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Mr. & Mrs. Series (CD)
SKU 00002
Product Details
Rev. Timothy Flemming, Sr. amazes, humors, lifts and enlightens with this sermon series. In this sermon series, Rev. Flemming deals with a number of important Bible characters, revealing their flaws and how we can learn from their mistakes. You'll be blessed by sermons such as "Mr. Big Stuff", "Mr. Wonderful", "Mr. No Show", "Mr. Comeback", "Mrs. Look Back" (Lot's wife), "Mr. & Mrs. Low Down" (dealing with Ahab and Jezebel), and more. (Shipping & Handling is $23.00)
20 Sermons:
- Mr. Clean
- Miss Much Married (The woman at the well from John chapter 4)
- Mr. Won't Come Down (Nehemiah)
- Mr. Walk Away (The rich young ruler)
- Mr. Big Stuff (King Nebuchadnezzar)
- Mr. Two-Face (Judas)
- Mrs. Look Back (Lot's Wife)
- Mr. No Show (Thomas)
- Mr. Look Up
- Mr. Mess Up
- Mr. Wonderful (Jesus)
- Mr. Anyhow
- Mr. & Mrs. Low Down (Ahab and Jezebel)
- Mr. I Know
- Miss Broke but not Broken
- Mr. Comeback
- Mr. Show Out (King David)
- Mr. Hope (Psalm 42)
- Mr. Withered Hand
- Mr. Drop Out
Available on CD and DVD
Mr. & Mrs. Series (CD)
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