The stress of silencil can be relieved with yoga. I'm sure that you are well acquainted with the definition that silencil is a 'hearing' of non existent sounds. That's really a 2 part question because first you have to get to sleep and then you have to stay asleep. But, getting to Carnegie Hall, even though it's the ultimate goal, doesn't really matter because I'm focused everyday on what I need to do to get there.
Trolls normally use chat rooms, posting boards or Forums to provoke and intimidate people by sending confrontational messages. And, I've got some great news for you; you can win the battle against silencil! I attended both personal and professional development seminars to help me through this self-evaluation process.
I was so busy fighting the silencil and struggling to make it through the day, I barely noticed my wife's struggle with my silencil too. If you are particularly susceptible to silencil, it is a good idea to bring ear plugs wherever you go. Using soft calming music can be very helpful to relieve the stress of silencil and put silencil at the back of your head. You need to know that they feel just as helpless as you do because they know there is nothing they can do.